Student Loan Advice for Parents!


Student Loan Debt Elimination - Pros & Cons -

Student loans play a significant role for college students, for the family to reduce a lot of burdens, to solve the worry so that the university can successfully complete their studies. You know, most people can't fully cover the cost of college and graduate school without student loans. While there are some very able and talented students who can receive significant academic or athletic scholarships, many others don't and need to take out student loans to get through college. Generally speaking, this is a lot of money for most people, so parents are trying to figure out the best way for their children to go to college. Although in the minds of children, parents are often an omnipotent image, in some aspects are still confused and do not know what to do, such as in the economy. Here are some practical ways for parents to avoid making mistakes that can be costly and irreversible.

You have to apply for federal student aid, which is free. It is the basis for determining federal loans and grants. First of all, you will be asked to fill in a very detailed form, be sure to fill it in carefully. There is a lot of personal information, can not fill in the wrong. Applying for federal student aid also requires materials such as tax returns, bank account numbers, and savings and investment information. This information can help you get rewarded for your financial aid needs based on federal support. Of course, there are also parents who think their income is too high to benefit from the federal program, So they will not complete the application for federal student aid. You need to know that these families are still eligible. In general, most families have access to federally backed, low-interest student loans. What's more, at many colleges, Federal Student Aid awards are only available to students who apply for them. So if you don't use and fill out the form, it could result in your child losing the chance to get a scholarship. So be sure to complete the application for federal student aid. Even if you feel your income is objective, completing the application is still an excellent option.

Here's what you should know about student debt - BBC News

The second point is that many of these programs have minimal resources and will only consider the first batch of applicants because when those resources are exhausted, the program will close and no longer provide assistance, so be sure to submit your application in case your application is not accepted. Assistance programs can help you reduce the amount of your loan.

Finally, let your children pay for part of their own education in order to keep them aware of graduation on time. You can ask your child to take out a loan, and, of course, when your child can't pay, you can pay them when they are due. Allowing kids to take out loans can be an effective way to raise awareness of the high cost of education while trying to finish college will make them appreciate their time in school and motivate them to focus on learning and finishing on time rather than indulging in the fun. This adds an extra year of tuition for the family if they fail to finish school on time.

Eliminate or Radically Restructure Federal Student Loans — The James G.  Martin Center for Academic Renewal
